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Friday, May 04, 2007

Terror Manual - but no US state terror EVER.

Two words you will not find here ... Bologna, Gladio!!

No. 01 Aug 03 -- A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence – Threats

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027


Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns or pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.

[Amazing inside knowledge:]

Red Army Brigade Ambush

Alfred Herrhausen, 30 November 1989

The Red Army Brigade, primarily a German domestic terrorist group, targeted politicians and influential businessmen for murder. As head of Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest bank, Alfred Herrhausen was the most influential businessman in the country. The Red Army Brigade vowed to kill Herrhausen by the end of November 1989

Herrhausen was chauffeured to work each morning in an armored Mercedes, with bodyguards in a lead and a follow car. The Red Army Brigade learned his routine, which was to take substantially the same route to and from work at approximately the same time each day. That route went through a park, which made for an excellent surveillance and attack site. RAB members, in workers’ clothes, dug a small hole across the road, set up an infrared beam on one side and a reflector on the other. On 30 November 1989, Alfred Herrhausen headed for work in his usual motorcade, along his usual route, at his usual time. A RAB lookout signaled the triggerman that Herrhausen’s motorcade was approaching the kill zone. The triggerman allowed the first car through, then activated the infrared beam. When Herrhausen’s car broke the beam, a timer delay caused a plate charge hidden on the back of a bicycle to detonate, sending it through the rear door of Herrhausen’s armored car. It severed his legs and he bled to death.

SOURCE (Blackwater is a private, unaccountable murder mercenary corporation)

Saddlebags or Schoolbag? 4_Chronology.pdf

Other interesting paragraphs:

USA Governmental or “State” terror: Sometimes referred to as “terror from above”, where a government terrorizes its own population to control or repress them. These actions usually constitute the acknowledged policy of the government, and make use of official institutions such as the judiciary, police, military, and other government agencies. Changes to legal codes permit or encourage torture, killing, or property destruction in pursuit of government policy. After assuming power, official Nazi policy was aimed at the deliberate destruction of “state enemies” and the resulting intimidation of the rest of the population.

US State involvement in terror: These are activities where government personnel carry out operations using terror tactics. These activities may be directed against other nations’ interests, its own population, or private groups or individuals viewed as dangerous to the state. In many cases, these activities are terrorism under official sanction, although such authorization is rarely acknowledged openly.

Another type of these activities is “death squads” or “war veterans”: unofficial actions taken by officials or functionaries of a regime (such as members of police or intelligence organizations) against their own population to repress or intimidate. While these officials will not claim such activities, and disguise their participation, it is often made clear that they are acting for the state. Keeping such activities “unofficial” permits the authorities deniability and avoids the necessity of changing legal and judicial processes to justify oppression. This is different than “pro-state” terror, which is conducted by groups or persons with no official standing and without official encouragement. While pro-state terror may result in positive outcomes for the authorities, their employment of criminal methods and lack of official standing can result in disavowal and punishment of the terrorists, depending on the morality of the regime in question.

USA State sponsorship of terrorism: Also known as “state supported” terrorism, when governments provide supplies, training, and other forms of support to non-state terrorist organizations. One of the most valuable types of this support is the provision of safe haven or physical basing for the terrorists’ organization. Another crucial service a state sponsor can provide is false documentation, not only for personal identification (passports, internal identification documents), but also for financial transactions and weapons purchases. Other means of support are access to training facilities and expertise not readily available to groups without extensive resources. Finally, the extension of diplomatic protections and services, such as immunity from extradition, diplomatic passports, use of embassies and other protected grounds, and diplomatic pouches to transport weapons or explosives have been significant to some groups.

Terror in Antiquity: 1st -14th Century AD The earliest known organization that exhibited aspects of a modern terrorist organization was the Zealots of Judea. Known to the Romans as sicarii, or dagger-men29, they carried on an underground campaign of assassination of Roman occupation forces, as well as any Jews they felt had collaborated with the Romans. Their motive was an uncompromising belief that they could not remain faithful to the dictates of Judaism while living as Roman subjects. Eventually, the Zealot revolt became open, and they were finally besieged and committed mass suicide at the fortification of Masada.

The French Revolution provided the first uses of the words “Terrorist” and “Terrorism”. Use of the word "terrorism" began in 1795 in reference to the Reign of Terror initiated by the Revolutionary government. The agents of the Committee of Public Safety and the National Convention that enforced the policies of “The Terror” were referred to as ‘Terrorists”.

Key Thinkers in the Development of Revolutionary Theory

Karl Marx – Prolific author and theorist who’s “Communist Manifesto” laid out the ideas of struggle between economic classes for control of the means of production, and thus control of the state. He predicted a revolutionary force composed of a mass of urban industrial workers. A key for future terrorists was his “materialistic theory of history”. It claims scientific justification for the assertion that capitalism will inevitably fail and be replaced by utopian communism. This “scientific” proof is used as justification for actions, including terrorism, that hasten the destruction of the capitalist order.

Mikhail Bakunin – Aristocrat and former officer of the Russian Imperial Guard, Bakunin developed an anarchist theory that viewed all forms of authority as ultimately oppressive, including religious concepts such as gods. Since all authority systems were inherently oppressive, they are therefore legitimate targets for destruction. Such destruction, he argued, must be prosecuted with no scruples. Exiled to Siberia, he escaped and eventually made his way to Switzerland, where he published pamphlets and works such as “God and the State”.

Johann Most – A late 19th century anarchist who explicitly advocated terrorism in the pamphlet “Revolutionary War Science”. Fascinated by the new technology of powerful, compact explosives such as dynamite, Most saw bombs made from these explosives as “equalizers” between the individual anarchist and the forces of the established order. Expelled from various European countries, he eventually made his way to the United States, and became a significant influence on American anarchists. Most later repudiated violence, and subsequently lost his influence over the anarchist movement.

Vladimir Lenin – Leader of the Bolshevik party that seized power in Russia after the 1917 Revolution. Lenin, unlike the Anarchists, believed that terrorism could not provoke a revolution, and organization was necessary. The small size of the industrial proletariat in Russia precluded a true Marxist class insurrection, so Lenin conceived the idea of a small disciplined political party to achieve the revolution, and then develop the conditions for the communist utopia. Many modern terrorists have used this concept to justify their lack of popular support among those they claim to represent. “If Socialism can only be realized when the intellectual development of all the people permits it, then we shall not see Socialism for at least five hundred years.” - Lenin

Leon Trotsky – Peoples Commissar for War in the Bolshevik Revolutionary government. Conceived the internationalization of the Revolution, which meant continual efforts worldwide to initiate revolution, including terrorist activities. Eventually purged from the Party, he fled overseas, and after surviving multiple assassination attempts, was killed by a Soviet sponsored agent in Mexico in 1940.

Mao Zedong – Leader of the Chinese Communist insurgency and eventual Chairman of the Party. Mao wrote primarily on the use of guerilla warfare in the political struggle. His chief contribution to modern terrorist thought is the application of revolutionary theory to rural, rather than urban environments. Carlos Marighella – A Brazilian politician who opposed the military government of the 1960s, he wrote the Mini-manual of the Urban Guerilla. This work brought guerilla war into an urban context, and because of the nature of such an urban campaign, used terrorism exclusively.

As the US national governments fail, their ruling elites frequently criminalize the nation itself, lending their sovereignty to smuggling, money laundering, piracy, or other illicit activities.

This interpenetration of a criminal element into the US government while US government officials are “seeping” down to the terrorists’ level is the result of governments feeling that legality, in the international sense, is a luxury they cannot afford, and perhaps do not need. They lack the resources to adhere to “legalistic” notions, and thus sink into criminality. The better-funded substate organizations (terrorist, criminal, etc.) infiltrate or supplant the US government.

The next conflicts will be between cultures. -- Samuel Huntington,“The Clash of Civilizations,” Foreign Affairs (Summer 1993)

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